NSM Acknowledgements

The success of this Next Steps Meeting has been achieved thanks to the dedicated and enthusiastic group who gathered together from across the country to participate in this 2-day event. Complex and challenging topics were addressed and delegates generously shared their practical and creative solutions as well as protocols and tools. Those with the insight of experience shared what they have found works best in meeting the needs of young children and youth who have experienced victimization, and their families.

The pre-meeting CAC and CYAC update reports submitted by all participants were much appreciated. The reports helped shape the agenda and they also ensured that the most current and relevant information for each CAC was available at the NSM.

A sincere thanks to the presenters who generously gave time from their incredibly busy lives. They shared their knowledge and expertise during their sessions and responded to many questions from the floor.

Thanks to Shelley Bykewich, Crown Prosecutor, Edmonton, Alberta; Paula Donachie, Crown Counsel, Victoria, British Columbia and Jill Witkin, Deputy Crown Attorney, Toronto Ontario, who addressed the Role of Crown Prosecutors in the Multi-Disciplinary Team.

Thanks to Pearl Rimer, from BOOST, who described the Role of the Child and Family Advocate, from BOOST and to Sandra Pribanic, from BOOST, who spoke about understanding the Impact of Trauma on Children and Youth.

Thanks to Cathy Mann who educated us about Fundraising and Jay Kaufman who brought to us a deeper understanding on the governance in CACs.

Thanks to Susan McDonald who provided an overview on current Justice Canada research projects.

Thanks to delegates who also agreed to participate in presentations and panels and share their experience, perspectives and insights from their own CACs with the group: Robyn Betker, who joined with Pearl Rimer on the Role of the Child and Family Advocate; Karyn Kennedy who joined with Jay Kaufman on Governance; and Barb Spencer who joined with Cathy Mann on Fundraising. Kevin Berube, LaRee Walters Broadway, and Lisa Whittker who addressed Cultural Competency; and Fred Ford and Cindy Paskey who talked about Networking.

We are grateful to BOOST for supporting Pearl Rimer and Sandra Pribanic to present at the NSM. We also thank Karyn Kennedy who was instrumental in facilitating Jay Kaufman’s presentation at the meeting.

To Mary Malone, Project Coordinator, a huge thanks for your creative ideas, organizational skills and tenacity. You kept us in touch and on track and contributed significantly to the success of the NSM

Thanks to Samantha Mann and Amy Edwards, volunteer note takers and students in the CSI program at King’s University College.

We would also like to acknowledge the financial administrative role of King’s University College, Western University.

We all appreciate the commitment of the Department of Justice in supporting the development and enhancement of CACs in Canada. Thanks to Ntunga Masozera for her assistance with the funding application and with the reporting requirements, and to Susan McDonald and Lara Rooney for their advice, as plans for the meeting unfolded. The Next Steps Meeting follows the first Canadian Knowledge Exchange, Ottawa, 2011. Through facilitating the opportunities to gain knowledge, network and share resources and information, children and youth victims and witnesses of crime in Canada will be better served.


Pam Hurley

NSM Organizer

King’s University College at Western University