Several Canadian CACs/CYACs have shared well-researched and practical materials that they have developed. Contact each organization directly for more information. Email, phone and other contact information for each centre can be found under the Organizations tab.
- SW Alberta Child Advocacy Centre Feasibility Study, February 2019 – Southern Alberta CAC Committee & Chinook Sexual Assault Centre
- Project Hope Report – Cedar Centre Feasibility Study, 2019 – Newmarket, ON
- Activity Report/Rapport d’Activite, 2016-2017, Fondation Marie-Vincent – Fondation Marie-Vincent, QUE
- Needs Assessment, Final Report, 2013 – Peel Region, ON
- Preliminary Model Development Report, 2012 – West Kootenay, BC
- SKY, Kootenay Boundary Region, Feasibility Study Report, 2011– Kootenay Boundary Region, BC
MOUs (Memoranda of Understanding) & Governance
- MOU 2015 – Caribou – Grande Prairie, AB
- Brochure – Understanding Cultural Competence for Service Providers Servicing Diverse Populations, 2020 – Windsor Essex Child/Youth Advocacy Centre, ON
- LCYAC Client Pamphlet – Carleton Place, Ontario
- SKY Family Pamphlet – Safe Kids and Youth (SKY), Nelson, BC
- Psychosocial Services for Parents, Information Brochure (Eng) – Fondation Marie-Vincent , QUE
Consent Forms
- Virtual Care Policy & Consent – Boost CYAC, Toronto, ON
Consent Form – Caregiver, 2019 – Boost CYAC, Toronto, ON - Consent Form – Youth, 2019 – Boost CYAC, Toronto, ON
- Consent to Obtain and Communicate Information Form, (Eng) – Fondation Marie-Vincent, QUE
Consentement à Obtenir et Communiquer de l’Information (Fr) – Fondation Marie-Vincent, QUE
Consent to Psychosocial Intervention Services for Teenagers Form (Eng) – Fondation Marie-Vincent, QUE
Consentement aux services d’intervention aux adolescents (Fr) – Fondation Marie-Vincent, QUE
Consentement aux Services d’Intervention Psychosociale aux Parents (Fr) – Fondation Marie-Vincent, QUE
Knowledge Bank: Expertise, Skills, Practices
Advocates: Child Advocates, Youth Advocates, Family Advocates
Role of the Child Advocate – Boost CYAC, Toronto ON
Cultural Competency
Recommendations for Service Providers on how to Practice Cultural Competence, 2020 – Windsor Essex Child/Youth Advocacy Centre, ON
Cultural Competency: Manual for Servicing Diverse Populations – Building Awareness Among Service Providers – Windsor Essex Child/Youth Advocacy Centre, ON
Forensic Interviewing
Article on forensic interviewing from Topics & Trends
Service Delivery
MDT Flow Chart – Zebra Centre, Edmonton, AL
Statistical Reporting Form, 2013 – Koala Place, Cornwall, ON
Child and youth advocacy centres: A change in practice that can change a lifetime, Paediatrics & Child Health, 2018
Victim Support & Court Preparation
Victim Services Manual – Victoria CYAC, Victoria, BC
Resource Guide for Justice Professionals Working with Child Witnesses in Northern Canada – Project Lynx, Whitehorse, YT
Information Links
The Canadian Child Abuse Association has many new tools and resources that you can access on their website here.
The Child Welfare Research Portal: The CWRP provides child protection professionals, researchers, and the public with a single point of access to Canadian child welfare research, encompassing research on children who have been abused and neglected, and the programs and policies developed to support and protect children and to support their families. The Portal includes databases of Canadian research publications, and information and statistics about provincial, territorial, aboriginal and national child welfare policies, legislation and programs.
The Internet Watch Foundation: This Annual Report provides an excellent summary of the latest data on the global state of child sexual abuse images and videos online here.
The Child Abuse Library Online (CALiO™): The Child Abuse Library Online, a service of the National Children’s Advocacy Center, is the largest online professional collection of resources related to child maltreatment. CALiO™ Collections offers open access to high quality published knowledge, educational materials, and resources, including hundreds of peer reviewed research publications that can be downloaded and shared without permission.
The Child Welfare League of Canada. CWLC is a membership-based charitable organization dedicated to promoting the safety and well-being of children, youth and their families, especially those who are vulnerable and marginalized. CWLC advocates for and promotes legislation, policy, research, programs, and services that address the underlying causes of precarity and trauma.
MediaSmarts is a not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. MediaSmarts: develops and delivers high-quality Canadian-based digital and media literacy resources; provides leadership in advancing digital and media literacy in Canadian schools, homes and communities; and conducts and disseminates research that contributes to the development of informed public policy on issues related to media.