The National Guidelines for Canadian Child Advocacy Centre/Child & Youth Advocacy Centre (the “Guidelines”) have been developed by CAC/CYACs and their multidisciplinary team partners across Canada. The purpose of the Guidelines is to: promote consistency across the country; assist new organizations as they work toward establishing a CAC; and ensure that the integrity of the CYAC model is retained in response to child abuse cases in Canada.
The National Guidelines for Canadian Child Advocacy Centres/Child & Youth Advocacy Centres (2021) are available here.
Evidence Supporting National Guidelines for Canada’s Child Advocacy Centres
The purpose of this report was to update the 2015 report prepared by the Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family by reviewing any new national and international research related to the evidence, background and context to support the rationale for each of the ten guidelines for Canadian CAC/CYACs. It examines whether the new research identified suggests any changes to the guidelines.
See Evidence Supporting National Guidelines for Canada’s Child Advocacy Centres/Child & Youth Advocacy Centres for the updated literature review.